Wednesday, November 21, 2007

A Journey through the arts.

Hello, and welcome to a string of blogs that will hopefully tackle some issues that surround the stigmas shrouding modern martial arts. I myself only have 4 years of trained experience within a dojo, but my experience outside of the dojo comes from very simple yet meaningful beliefs that many higher grade students never fully realise.
Now, before we set off, let me make one thing clear. I am not trying to degrade any art within these blogs, nor am I attempting to make myself stand out as an overconfident idiot who thinks he knows a lot about a subject. These are merely my opinions on the martial arts, martial artists and my own experiences with both.
If you are new to the martial arts, let me welcome you my friend; you are embarking on a journey that will generate experiences that stay with you for the rest of your life. If you are an experienced martial artist; please read these blog entries with an open mind, afterall; martial arts teaches us to be disciplined and observant in everything we please be patient.
Comments and questions on these writings are more than welcome, and suggestions as to advancement in my writings are also welcomed. If you are going to comment, please make sure it is appropriate and polite.

Thankyou, and welcome to the journey.

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